Monday, October 3

Letters from the Front

The American Legion has opened up a new feature on their website called "Letters to America from the Front." At the moment, only one letter is up on the site, but it's worth reading. If I could quote Adam Bock (rank unknown):

" is great to know that I have been a part of the future for the Iraqi people. They have an amazing culture; they are supportive, polite and respectful to all of the Americans serving here. It is truly the actions of a few that have destroyed the image of the whole. I have met many locals and they always show a smile and sense of gratitude to all of the soldiers and their sacrifices."
I read that, and it reminded me of a letter I recently read from Henry Knox over on Paulieworld. I'll quote it here as well:

"Anyway, we’ve got work to do and a lot yet to accomplish. Part of my point is that an awful lot has been successfully accomplished already and the efforts continue. By far the biggest obstacle to a more speedy success and return home to the States is this liberal media, the academic and Hollywood freaks who have no clue or purposely misrepresent or ignore the truth to push forth their own agendas. Continue to watch ABC, CBS, NBC and PBS, and read the NY Times and Washington Post if you want to be manipulated and let them form your opinion. Start ignoring them or, better yet, challenging them if you truly do “support the troops”! The last thing these guys over here need is all that two-faced “we support the troops” hoopla when people don’t. If you’re not behind the mission, you’re not behind the troops. If you can’t acknowledge what they’re doing is important and necessary, then you’re belittling their efforts and sacrifice. They don’t need and want that. So, thank you to all who truly do “support the troops”."
To those deployed, I can only say these letters are important to us. Please continue sending them, not just to your family and loved ones, but also to the American public so that the truth can be told. To those at home, write these fine men and tell them you support them. But please, no more baby wipes. They have enough of those.

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