Monday, October 31

UNSC Passes Syrian Resolution

I'm pleasantly surprised that the UN managed to unanimously pass a resolution calling for Syrian cooperation with the independent investigation of Hariri's assassination. Among the provisions is a required that Syrian arrest anyone the probe deems a suspect, and to allow the investigators to question them in any location they choose. Direct threats of sanctions were removed to obtain a unanimous vote, but since the resolution was passed under Chapter VII, it is legally enforceable by military means.

The most disturbing part of the news is another section of the resolution dropped out of the final wording. In order to obtain Russian and Chinese support, the sponsors removed the wording appealing Syria to cease support for "all forms of terrorist action and all assistance to terrorist groups." Why would any country oppose that plea?

Because China and Russia know that Syria won't like cooperating with the investigation, but they will. They also know that Syria is about as likely to become the 51st State as cease supporting terrorism. Passing a resolution requiring Syria to stop supporting terrorism is an automatic approval for action e.g., sanctions, against Syria, a major trading partner with both countries.

But hey, we can accept a little terrorism as long as our trade goods keep flowing. Especially if the terrorism is directed against Israelis and US troops.

News links here and here.

Postnote: Mohammed has a wonderful post on the subject here, and I highly encourage you to read it if you haven't already.

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