Wednesday, December 7

For Once, Let's Listen To The Liberals

The entire world has been riveted to the tragic story of four peace activists who have been captured in Iraq. No, I tell I lie. Jesse Jackson and Gerhard Schroeder have completely failed to drum up sympathy for these members of Christian Peacemaker Teams who have been captured in Iraq.

It should come as no surprise to anyone that the US government, British government, and the Canadian government all stand fast in agreement that negotiating with terrorists is out of the question. If you reward terrorists, you give them both the incentive and means to conduct further attacks. One must only look to the coast of Somalia to see this feedback loop in action today.

So the terrorists (and their captives) were undoubtedly heartbroken to learn that the US would not be released hundreds of known terrorists, criminals, and hostage-takers in exchange for these four activists. In retaliation, they did the worst possible thing they could do to us: Extend the deadline.

Can you believe the gall of a terrorist, to kidnap protestors who agree with them, and threaten to kill them if we don't do what the victims demand? On a "hostage video," on of the hostages declared "I ask Mr. Blair to take British troops out of Iraq and leave the Iraqi people to come to their own decisions." Another stated in the video "As a representative of Christian Peacemaker Teams, we feel that continued American and British occupation is not in the best interest of the Iraqi people."

We're not occupying a country, as I pointed out in a previous post. It's not called occupation when a democractically elected government requests your presence. And if you want to let the Iraqi people make their own decisions, you support democracy, not terrorism.

Maybe I'm just a cold hearted asshole, but I'm willing to make an exception for these four morons. Let's show them exactly what life will be like if they get what want. Let's make no attempts to rescue them, or to attack their captors.

Be careful what you wish for, for you walk amongst snakes while cursing the boot salesman.
